Childcare Reimbursements

We understand that finding and funding childcare can be a deterrent to joining and participating in a community group or serve team. Because we are committed to reducing the obstacles people face while attempting to get engaged in Lake Oconee Church, the church reimburses group members at a predetermined rate for their childcare expenses, if needed.

If childcare costs are the obstruction to you getting connected, please complete the form below to request a reimbursement. You will need to include your information, the name of your group leader or serve team coordinator, the date of meeting, the number of children, the number of hours, and the amount requested (based on the reimbursement chart below.)

Reimbursement Instructions

  • We REIMBURSE PARENTS at a set rate for the cost of an individual babysitter. Please note – we are unable to send payment directly to a sitter, but can only REIMBURSE parents for their use of a babysitter for a Lake Oconee Church approved event.
  • For accounting purposes, please submit request no later than 30 days after event.
  • Use the reimbursement chart below to figure amounts due.
  • You must submit one form per event.
  • You can expect your reimbursement check within 2 to 3 weeks from date of submission.

Reimbursement Chart

1 hour  1-1/2 hours 2 hours 2-1/2 hours 3 hours
1 child
$ 7.00 $10.50 $14.00 $17.50 $21.00
2 children
$ 7.50 $11.25 $15.00 $18.75 $22.50
3 children
$ 8.00 $12.00 $16.00 $20.00 $24.00
4 children $ 8.50 $12.75 $17.00 $21.25 $25.50
Childcare for more than 4 children will be reimbursed at $9.00 per hour



Reimbursement Form

Click to access the Childcare Reimbursement Form